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Back Pain

Back pain is very common.
Almost everyone suffers from back pain at one time or another. Unfortunately, the perception still exists that most back pain goes away spontaneously within two weeks. Admittedly, some back pain does indeed recover within a few days. But the symptoms often remain present or go away for a while only to return.


It is essential to consult a chiropractor in time to prevent recovery from becoming a long and arduous process.

Back problems are caused by incorrect or insufficient movement

Back pain rarely involves "damage" in the back. Therefore, the cause of the complaints usually cannot be found on an X-ray or MRI scan. Back pain generally has a "functional" cause: it is caused by improper movement or overuse. Often this results from one-sided work, too much sitting still, or incorrect lifting and bending techniques.


Causes of back pain:

poor posture;
slight variation in posture;
prolonged same activities;

lots of sitting still;
little healthy exercise;
unsafe lifting techniques.

Not every back condition is the same

The muscles, vertebrae, intervertebral discs, joint capsules, connective tissue, and nervous system all play an essential role in the movement of the back. When one or more of these structures cannot do their job correctly, it results in back pain. Although the symptoms in different patients are often very similar, the underlying cause may differ. So it is essential to carefully analyze how the symptoms arose before effective treatment can start.


First: assess properly, then treat

Chiropractors are experts in careful movement assessment. This includes examining the spine's mobility, muscle function, and balance. In addition, specific tests are done to rule out special situations (for example, a herniated disc). Based on this analysis, the chiropractor draws up an effective treatment plan.




The chiropractor usually uses "manipulations" to restore the mobility of joints. Colloquially often called "cracking," manipulation is a tiny quick movement that stretches the joint slightly. This restores the suppleness of the joint. Our chiropractors have trained for years on these techniques so that they can be applied safely and comfortably.


In addition to manipulation, chiropractors use many other techniques, including:

mobilizations (slow stretching techniques for the joints);
muscle stretching;
trigger point therapy;
taping techniques;
Getting better, staying better
Complementary to treatments: ergonomic advice, specific exercises, and general health advice are often given to speed up recovery as much as possible.

Unfortunately, because many back problems directly result from our daily habits, they tend to recur over time. Therefore, your healthcare provider will discuss with you what measures are needed to minimize the risk of new back pain.


Animated person with backpain
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